Thursday, May 30, 2013

Training Tuesday: 2nd Back-to-back Run

In light of the hubby getting his first somewhat real job and my promotion, we hit the outlets for some good shopping. I got a pair of nude heels and a dress for work. 

My training lately has been feeling kind of bland. I feel like I'm stuck in a gray area where I need to be training, but the event still seems so far out that I'm not that worried about it (which I know will not be the case very soon)! I still got in my second back-to-back Dumbo training run (this time it was 3 miles and 8 miles) to prepare for running the 10k and 1/2 on consecutive days. 

Weekly Recap
Tues: 1 mile 
Wed: 2.5 mile run
Thurs: push ups, sit ups
Fri: 3 mile run
Sat: 8.2 mile run
Sun: push ups, sit ups
Mon: rest

The hubby and I are going on a little getaway to wine country. We're staying at a little place on a vineyard and we're allowed to roam the grounds freely- can you say running through the grape vines?! :)
My goal for next week is to work on my pace. I run outside, so it's hard to run at a set, controlled pace. My plan is to map out one mile, run at a faster than normal pace and see   how it goes. I'll adjust my speed after that. 

Did you do anything special for the holiday weekend? 


  1. Great job on your back to back run!

    Wine country looks absolutely stunning - have fun!!

  2. Wow! You are way ahead of me on the back to back. I'm going to be sucking wind come Sept. LOL

    Have a great time in wine country!

  3. Thanks, ladies!
    Longhorns- While I may be ahead of you in the mileage, I'm still super slow! :)
