Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tink Tuesday: Fitbit Zip!

In a nutshell, my running has been terrible lately. On Sunday, I went on my first run since my 10k.... which was 2 weeks ago. I've been suffering from this weird morning cough and sniffles that I can't kick. Also, I may be suffering from a slight depression due to stress. More on that tomorrow though. 

My run on Sunday was pretty sad. I went 3.5 miles, which was nice for the distance, but my pace was a good 2+ minutes slower than normal. The realization that there are only about 10 weeks until Tink weekend has really freaked me out. It was probably because my hubby, in a very sweet way, told me that come race weekend if I wasn't feeling 100% ready for the 5k, 10k & half, to just skip the 10k and eat the race fee vs. injure myself for the half and/or the rest of my trip. He's got a point. But I'm also stubborn and determined to run all the races! 

I just got a Fitbit Zip, something that will keep me focused on my eating/fitness. It's a little wireless device that tracks your steps, distance, and calories. Combined with it's website/app you can also track your calories. It's pretty cool! It's super small, about the size of a quarter. It comes with a clip/holder so you can attach it to your clothes (even bra!). It also has a little plug-in for your computer so it'll sync the data automatically. 

Another great thing is that you can compete with your friends. My brother already has one and I actually got mine (for free!) through a work fitness challenge. At least 2 of my other co-workers have one so far, so I know there will be some friendly competition. :)

Anyway, I feel like I'm nearing the home stretch of training for Tink (maybe it's the almost single digit weeks left?!), so I know I really need to stick to my running. Feel free to keep me in line! 


  1. I hate getting sick in the middle of training :( I hope your stress and sickness dies down soon!

    I have heard good things about the fitbit! What's your work fitness challenge?

    1. I actually think I'm getting sick because I'm not running. I need to break the cycle! :)
      The work thing is pretty cool. Everyone who wanted to participate got a pedometer- a super cheap thing that counted movements (pretty sure driving gave me extra steps. lol). If you log over 56k steps or 140 minutes of exercise per week for 4 weeks (total challenge is 8 weeks), you get either a $40 amazon gift card or a Fitbit Zip. I think the main idea of the challenge is to get people thinking more actively about their health and fitness.

    2. LOVE it! I am going to try and get something like this going at my office!

  2. Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well! Hope you feel better soon!

  3. You've got this Kim! Now get out there and get to it!! (LOL...I'm not very good at cracking the whip!) The fitbit looks interesting, I hope it helps you out. I also hope you start feeling better!

    1. Any and all encouragement helps! :) I think seeing my steps/distance helps to keep me focused. We'll see how things goes with the Fitbit. :)

  4. I'm sorry your not feeling well. :( I'll be at the 10k and half so I hope to see you there!!

    I've been looking at the fitbit flex, but can decide if I want to get it, or wait for the new polar one that has a HR monitor on it!!

    1. We should definitely meet up! :)
      I think it depends what you want to use it for. It sounds like the polar is best for running or other exercise activities, where as the fitbit is best to track your overall day. My brother has the "one" fitbit and it tracks his sleeping. Pretty cool! :)

  5. It's so tough to keep motivated when you aren't feeling 100%. You've got this. Just keep telling yourself that you've done this before and the muscle memory will help get you back to where you were before. Your head is stopping you before your body is. You'll be more than ready for Tink weekend, I know it!

    1. So far, so good. My running seems to be coming back to me pretty quickly, so that's encouraging! :)
