Saturday, July 31, 2010

August 30DS Challenge

At this moment, I've got the major things in my life in order- I have a great job, I just got married to the most wonderful man and I am amazingly happy. But the one thing that's bugging me is that I haven't reached my target weight goal. After the wedding, our exercising routine went down the drain, but it's time to get back on the bandwagon. So... new month, new me.

With my new hours, I suddenly have an extra 30 minutes in the morning before work- the perfect time to fit in some 30 day shred. If you haven't heard of it, it's a 30 minute work out created by Jillian Michaels, a previous biggest loser contestant. It's a fun quick workout that can really kick your butt. The three levels are supposed to be completed within 30 days, so that's my goal- once a day for 30 days with my weigh-in on August 31st.

I'm really excited about this!

Stats: 10 lbs to go. 30 days left.

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