Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How it all began...

It all began 20 some odd years ago when my mom and dad-- okay, okay, I wont take you through that. ;) I suppose my "domesticity" began pretty early when my mom taught me how to sew (1 point for the house wife), and then when I learned to cook (make that 2 points), and then when I became an experienced babysitter (3 points), and then when I moved out and had to do everything myself. But I think the full transformation happened when I moved in with my bf, we'll call him Dearest, about a year and a half ago. He's a wonderful guy, but he can't cook... Seriously... If you're still not on board with me, he screwed up scrambled eggs... But bless his heart for trying. And bless my stomach for being able to handle it. ;) Its the gesture that counts. Anyway, he may not be able to cook (we're working on it), but he makes up for it with everything else. It may seem exhausting to do all the cooking (and most of the housework), but Dearest lets me know how thankful he is everyday. :) Maybe that's why I dont mind it...

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