Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I've lived for a quarter of a century. Kind of crazy when you think about it, huh? This time of the year is always fun; I get to see family more and I always get a good giggle out of seeing Dearest sweat about planning something for my birthday. But turning 25 comes with a serious note to it. I can't say that I'm in my early 20s anymore, I'll be on "the wrong side of 25" as an (older) friend puts it. Most of all, I can't help but thinking "Oh my gosh, next stop is 30. I better get my life in order!"

Not to say life is a mess, but I'm definitely starting to worry about the bigger things in life. I like to think that Dearest and I aren't too frivolous with money, we have to pay for his school, after all. This summer we'll get a glimpse into what life will be like when we're both working because Dearest got a job! It's a full-time summer internship and he'll get paid for it. In fact, he'll get paid more than I do! Completely awesome, but it makes me rethink why I work so hard. ;)

On Leap Day, Disneyland hosted a 24hr "party" where the park was open from 6am-6am. I was all for going, but alas, I couldn't get the time off work. I was talking to Dearest about it after...
Me: "Well, there's always next yeap year..."
Dearest: "That's in 4 years. You might not be able to go, especially if we're going to have kids by then."
Me: "Oh... Man... That's seems so soon..."

It's not a shock that we could have kids by then. I'd like at least one before we're 30, but it's a shock to realize how soon that really might be. I spend a lot of time wishing that life would fast forward to when Dearest will be done with school. He's been telling me to watch Click and to savor the time that we have now.

So that's my plan, to embrace the little moments we have now, such as the recent weekend trip Dearest surprised me with to the happiest place on earth. What a sweetie. :)

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