Monday, August 25, 2014

{repost} Disneyland Half Marathon Packing List

In honor of the folks attending this weekend's Disneyland Half Marathon events, I thought I'd repost my packing list from last year. Can't wait to read about everyones' experiences! :) 

*Originally posted on August 8th, 2013*

As part of my race/vacation preparation, I compile a packing list. I start months in advance and add to it as I remember things. Why such a detailed list? Let me tell you a funny story...

Our first runDisney trip, my husband forgot his fuel belt. Thank goodness for the expo! Our second race we were traveling separately and I was leaving a few days before him. As a precaution, I took all of his running gear with me, so he wouldn't have to remember as much (and if I forgot something, he could grab it). Pretty sure the TSA guy gave me the side eye when he saw I had men's size 12 shoes in my bag. Haha. Anyway, a good list *should* help me not forget anything, right?

With 3 weeks before I need to have my bags packed and ready, I've already started packing and putting things aside for the trip. 

For runDisney trips, my list is broken down into 4 main parts: running stuff, regular clothes, toiletries, and Disney/misc items. I'll just share the running and Disney portions of my list as I'm sure you can handle the rest. :) 

Running Clothes
- shoes
- tops (tank top & short sleeve, just in case)
- bottoms
- socks
- sports bras
- arm sleeves
- running costumes and accessories
- compression sleeves/tights/socks for recovery
- cheap blanket/sweatshirt for before the race, but to toss after it starts

* If you are participating in the Dumbo Double Dare, don't forget to pack two of everything! Shoes, too, if you can. You never know what might happen on your first leg of the challenge (puddles, water station mishaps, Grizzly River Run, etc).

Other Running Items
- running waivers (you can print them at the expo, but that means less time for shopping) 
- fuel belts
- Garmin or other pacing device & charger
sports bra iphone holder (for me)
- iphone arm band (for my husband)
- ear buds
- safety pins (just in case your race packet doesn't have them/they get lost)
- travel kleenex (never know about those port-o-potties...)- hair ties/bobby pins
- sunscreen & Chapstick
- deodorant
- sunglasses/hat/visor
- Motrin/aspirin 
- band aids for blisters
- KT Tape/brace/stability item, if you need it
- foam roller/tennis ball, etc for stretching
- Road ID
- pace chart
- proof-of-time from a more recent race if you want to change corrals (this will not apply to any 2014 races as proof of time requirements have changed)

- breakfast items (raisin English muffins, peanut butter & bananas)
- race fuel (I use Clif Shot Bloks)
- hydration drinks (Gatorade, Powerade, Nuun, etc)
- recovery food for post race

Misc & Disney Items 
- travel documents (flight/hotel confirmations, park tickets, gift cards, etc)
- Disney Visa (if you have one)
- chargers (phone & camera)
- camera
Disneyland Shirt Tote Bag (for the expo)
- Ear hats/other Disney attire you like to wear at the parks

Packing Tips:

When I fly, I try to get away with taking just a carry on bag. It can be a pain when you have to go through security, but if you've got everything organized and ready to go (like your bag of 3oz or smaller liquid items packed in an easily accessible place), it can be a breeze.

I'll be packing all of my stuff into my new Vera Bradley bag. Can't wait to take it on its inaugural trip to Disneyland. :) 
-In the event that TSA feels the need to search my bag, I'd prefer that my "unmentionables" weren't being manhandled and tossed about. I have a little fabric pouch, but you can keep them all together in a Ziploc bag.

-When packing your running clothes, lay our your entire outfit (including fuel belts!), just like you would the night before race day, to ensure you have everything. 

-Since I'm going the "carry-on only" route, my running shoes will be in my bag, too. You can keep them off your clean clothes with a shopping or grocery bag. I have another zippered pouch (can you tell I got bored one day?).

-If you are flying, pack your essential running gear in your carry-on. It may be a pain to lug around, but you will be thanking your lucky stars if your luggage gets lost. Don't want to break in brand new shoes/clothes on race day. :)


  1. Ever since an airline misplaced my luggage (and I didn't get it for 2 days) a few years ago, I am SO nervous about checking bags. I always make sure I have everything I absolutely need in my carry-on! This is a very thorough list, and great tip about packing two of everything for the DDD racer's!

    1. I know what you mean! Our luggage didn't make an international trip (took a day to catch up with us) and it was no fun!
      I suppose technically you could just pack one set of running clothes for DDD... you'd definitely have a lot of space around you while running! ;)

  2. Great list! Sure wish I was going to DL this year! :(

    1. Me, too. There's always next year, right? :)

  3. That bag is pretty, but no wheels! You have to actually carry it yourself!
    I tend not to pack way out in advance unless it's a really big trip, like overseas where I'm afraid of forgetting something important and not being able to find a replacement.

    1. Definitely a downside to no wheels! I'm pretty careful with my Vera Bradley bag (try to keep it clean, etc). I was at the airport with my husband recently and a guy tossed his wife's Vera Bradley on the curb like it was nothing. I've never seen my husband's eyes get so big in shock! I'd have smacked him if he did that! Haha. :)
