Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Dossier

A little more about myself:
I have 39 weeks (that's 3 quarters plus 3 weeks of this current quarter) left of college. Can you tell that I'm anxious to finish? Truth be told, I've always struggled with school and at one point I dropped out. "But your parents are paying! School is important, you need a college education!" I've heard all the reasons, but college is for some and it's not for others. Luckily I wised up (all the credit should go to my parents and Dearest) and decided to go back. I still dislike it, but it's getting more and more interesting. Currently I'm taking a Script Analysis class (I'm a Film major) that I really enjoy, mostly due to my love of writing. I've even gone out on a limb and applied for a Screenwriting seminar where I'd write a full-length script. Always my worst critic and afraid of rejection, I wasn't going to apply, but it's a way of challenging myself. Hopefully I'll get in! :)

I'm a photography junkie! My trusty Canon Elph is with me at all times and I've got pictures of just about everything. As my dad once said, "I don't need to bring a camera on vacation. I can just look at your (refering to me, my brother, and my mom) pictures as a slideshow and relive the trip. Second for second!" It's true, I have TONS of pictures. I try to put them into scrapbooks, but sadly a lot get trapped in cyberspace. I love crafts, mostly sewing purses (I rarely buy them) and making other odds and ends. Most recently I made a poinsetta wreath out of ribbon for Christmas! I enjoy decorating the house (more of that homemaker in me), but my love for polka dots sometimes takes over... Hence my blog's polka dot background! I try to keep it to a minimum, but it's pretty apparent when you look at our apartment.

I'm an easy going person, I don't like arguments or picking a fight. I respect your views and I hope you respect mine. I seem pretty reserved, but if you get to know me better, I'll talk your ear off. :) Friends and family are very important to me and I love to hang out with people. I'm just a little social butterfly! I'm not really sure what else to say, but if you've got questions, I've got an answer! Or at least an attempt at one. ;)

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