
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Training Tuesday

Only 10 more days until I'll be in Disneyland! :) As the trip gets closer, I'm starting to set aside things to pack and more importantly, thinking about what I want souvenirs I want to get. 
My number one must-have is the Mickey runner Vinylmation and a mini medal. 
This mini medal was specially made for the D23 fun run participants.

I'll be on the look out for these Planes inspired antenna toppers. I'm hoping to add one to my antenna topper collection as well as get one for my dad, who used to be a pilot. 

When you visit the parks, do you go in with specific souvenirs you are looking for? 

Weekly Recap
Tues: rest
Wed: 2 miles
Thurs: rest
Fri: 2 miles
Sat: rest
Sun: 6.2 miles
Mon: rest

I'd like to say I was moving into taper time for the upcoming Dumbo Double Dare, but I think it's more lazy time. I've been cutting back on my mileage during the week so I can be at my best for my long run on Sunday, but this week my 13.1 mile long run just wasn't happening. I don't know if it was exhaustion from working 6 days straight or if I just wasn't feeling the run. I still got in a 10k, so it wasn't a completely wasted run. I'm on the fence about next Sunday- it'll be a week before the Disneyland half, so I don't want to over do it, but I still want to get in at least 12 miles. Choices, choices... 

How is your training going? Do you use a taper method before the big race? 


  1. So excited! This will be my first trip to Disneyland and I want to soak it all in :)

    1. Lots of pictures! I'm sure you'll be shocked by how small the castle is. ;)

  2. I haven't gotten into Vinylmation, but I kinda do want a runner Mickey one with the medal. I am afraid I won't be able to stop though!

    1. I was afraid, too, since there are a ton! To limit myself, I'll only get it if it has special significance. I only have 2 of them. (One is a panda which was a must because one of nicknames is Panda. The other looks like a famous piece of art- I'm an art major.) You've personally earned all of your medals- why can't your little Mickey have them, too? :)

  3. I used to always have antenna toppers on my old car. My CRV doesn't have an antenna, so I don't have to fight the impulse to buy those anymore.
    My tapering is bad. Last week I skipped two runs and this week I've already skipped one. It's still early today, so we'll see if I gather up the effort to go run this afternoon.

    1. Confession: my car, nor any cars I've had before, have had an antenna. Lol. They're just a weird thing I started collecting.
      It's hard to taper at the end, especially if you feel like you're burning out, too.

  4. I have a long list of items--including Expo stuff for my co-blogger, a Cinderella dress up costume for my newborn Australian niece to grow into, a few sleepers for friends who just had babies, Disneyland Ts for my grandma, it appears to be a growing list even without my own personal shopping. lol.

    I start my taper after this Friday when I celebrate turning 33 by running 9 miles. Eek. lol.

    1. Wow, you better bring an extra suitcase for all your purchases! :) Happy early birthday! What a way to celebrate! :)

    2. LOL. I'm actually opting to not bring much for clothes and wear most of the stuff that I buy at the expo/disneyland. This is not going to be a "fashion" trip--much more about function. ;) Oh and thanks for the early birthday wishes! I'm pretty excited! :)

  5. 10 days!! How exciting!

    I got the Vinylmation in February. It is just too cute :) Can't wait to get the TOT medal for it in October!

    I don't know if I would do 12 miles a week before the race. I'm afraid I would tire my body out too much!

    1. I would agree with Lauren--maybe only do 10 at most--especially if you do it in the next few will have enough excitement from the race and the surroundings to get you through those last three on race day!

    2. Thanks for the tips, ladies! 10 miles seems like a better plan. I know I've been slacking on the running in general, so I'm sure 10 miles will seem like much more.

  6. YAY!! Disneyland! Taper, taper, taper.

    It's always tough to taper, but we gotta do it! Can't wait for the races!!!

    1. I'm so excited for the 10k. The course looks amazing!

  7. I sometimes have an idea of what to buy ahead of time but this time - I don't have anything in particular in mind for this trip, though! I'm definitely going to have to get the mini-medals for my Vinylmation...poor Mickey is going to be loaded down!
    Personally, I wouldn't run 12 miles the week before a race - I would keep it to a shorter distance, maybe 8? I'm running 6 on Saturday, then it's nothing but shorter distances for a few days next week and I'm done! Have a great day!! :0)

    1. Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely be cutting my mileage down. :) I hope you'll post a picture of your Vinylmation Mickey with all his medals! I can't believe we're just about a week away. Have a safe trip to CA and hopefully I'll get to meet you at DL! :)
