
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Training Tuesday: Birthday 5k PR

The week started off really well with two exciting events: my birthday and my 5k PR. I've been trying to beat my previous 5k time (30:15) for a couple weeks. I told myself "If there's ever going to be a day that you run a PR, it's got to be your birthday." And that's what I did. I was aiming to maintain a 9:45 min/mile to just squeak in a couple seconds under my previous time. I asked my hubby to pace me, since he runs his half marathons at an ~8 min/mile pace. We started off booking down the path, way too fast for me to maintain. He was really great at slowing us down to a reasonable pace while also keeping keeping us in line with our time. With about half a mile to go, he turns to me and says "Let's run down this big hill! It'll be easier!" Only thing was, we both forgot that after going down that big hill... there was an equally big hill you had to go UP. Still, we pushed through and finished our 5k in 29:36. Best birthday gift ever! 

Naturally, I also got myself a couple things. :) 
You can buy this cute Disney LeSportsac cosmetic bag here.

And of course some shoes. 

Onto the sweaty stuff! This past week was pretty good and I'm excited to finally get past that 6 mile mark. I get this weird mental block about the half way point in a half marathon. The long run was amazing. I went with my hubby and we ran along a local park's coastal trail. We saw bunnies, squirrels, geese, cows and horses. Definitely makes the run more exciting. 
My long run next week is 7 miles and it only increases from there to prepare for Dumbo. With all this news of the Glass Slipper Challenge at the Princess half, I'm getting more excited for Dumbo! :) 

Previous Week
Tuesday: 5k run- PR for my birthday! 
Wednesday: cross training (yoga)
Thursday: 2 mile run
Friday: rest (was going to run, but got distracted by the Princess half news)
Saturday: 2 mile run
Sunday: 6 mile run ended up running a bit more (6.2) to get to 10k
Monday: rest

This Week / T- 17 weeks until Dumbo
Tuesday: 5k run 
Wednesday: cross training (yoga)
Thursday: 2 mile run
Friday: 5k run
Saturday: rest
Sunday: 7 mile run 
Monday: rest

How was your week? Do you run along city streets or look for a park? 


  1. YAY!!! Congrats on your 5K PR! I love the purse and shoes you got too, so cute!

    So do you think you are going to do the Princess Challenge next year? I still cannot decide lol :)

  2. Congrats on the PR Kim and Happy Birthday!!!! NICE time! WOOT! Great long run as well!

    I run all over the place in my town. Roads, parks, and there's a trail. It's not too bad, but there are a lot of loose dogs around, so that can be an issue occasionally.

  3. Lauren- It makes me sad to say it, but I don't think I can swing a trip for Princess. I'd be coming from CA and it would also be my first time to WDW, so of course I'd want to stay a while! But... I might also be seeing a promotion in my near future, so maybe it'll be a congratulatory gift to myself! ;) YOU SHOULD DO IT!!! lol. One of us has to! ;)

  4. Karen- Speaking of loose dogs... I was running once a long time ago and ended up next to a dog park. A very friendly dog ran up beside me and I'm pretty sure he wanted to play because he bit my arm (not hard, but he got a good grip) and tried to run with me! :)
